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Join us on a musical journey through lands near and far, in melodies both familiar and new, in unique combinations of musical styles, languages, and cultures...Suitable for the child in all of us...
Concerts/ Events
13 Maggio 2016 8 pm (20.00) Montebelluna, Italy Scuole Bertolini Concerto (Progetto scolastico 'Ninnenanne')
11 Aprile1 2016 4.30 (16.30) Bologna, Italy Circolo Lirico di Bologna
18 ​Dicembre 2015 6 pm (18.00) Montebelluna, Italy Ospedale (reparto pediatrico) Christmas Carols My Mamma Taught Me
18 Novembre 2015 11 am Partecipazione in Radio : "Genitori si diventa" Radio Cusano Campus- Roma/ Lazio
6 Settembre 2015 2.30 pm McPherson KS, USA McPherson Opera House Songs My Mamma Taught Me
​18 Giugno 2015 Montebelluna, Italy 'Giovedi Musicali': Songs My Mamma Taught Me
17 Maggio 2015 Montebelluna, Italy English Childrens' Songs Sing-Along
in conjunction with Oxford School of Montebelluna
Songs My Mamma Taught Me
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